Monday, November 2, 2009

Coupon Swap Update - Still Room for More Coupon Swappers!

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Do you have a stash of coupons that you have that you don't plan to use? Do you have a wish list of coupons you wish you had or had more of? Then, join the Coupon Swap!

* The first three groups of Coupon Swappers are now complete. You will receive an e-mail from me with more detailed instructions and the first batch of coupons will be mailed out tomorrow. *

* As more people join the Coupon Swap, I will create groups of 4 to 5 people to swap with each other. To join, just fill out the form below. *

Here's how the coupon swap will work:

I will start it by putting 40-50 coupons in an envelope and mailing it to the first person on the list. That person will take whatever coupons she/he wants and will replace them and mail them to the next person. This will continue until they ultimately come back to me and we will start the cycle over again.

Here are the rules:

1. Try to send coupons that are not expiring for at least two weeks.
2. Be sure to replace the same number of coupons that you remove.
3. Try to add coupons into the envelope that are on the next few people's wish lists.
4. Mail the envelope out as quickly as possible once you receive it so that we can keep the coupon swap moving smoothly.
5. Please send a message to everyone when you receive and when you mail out the envelope so that we can keep track of where it is.
6. If at any time you no longer wish to participate just let me know and we can take you off the list.

I'll send out the first batch of coupons once I have 5 people signed up for the Coupon Swap. There will be multiple groups going on as more people sign up. You are welcome to join more than one Coupon Swap.

Keep up with the coupons, freebies and deals, Subscribe NOW!
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