Friday, December 4, 2009

Kijiji - Free Online Classified Service

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Do you have extra stuff around your home that you need to clear before the Holidays come around and bring more stuff? Kijiji is a free service that focuses on local items in a classified setting. The best part is it is from Ebay. It is also a great tool to use to find some great items for your home.

Below are some great facts I found on both Kijiji and the stress of the Holiday season:


Over Half of Consumers Say the Cost of Travel and Gifts Causes Most Stress

San Jose, CA, November 20, 2009 – The holiday season is a time of joy, thanks and togetherness, filled with delicious food, good company and the gifts you’ve been coveting all year long. However, a recent survey conducted by, eBay’s free, local classifieds Web site and Chadwick Martin Bailey, a custom research and consulting firm, found that the cost and clutter of the holiday season leaves many Americans feeling stressed out. can help relieve some stress in both of these areas since selling unwanted items on the site allows consumers to clear out their cluttered homes and make some extra cash at the same time. Nearly three out of four consumers (74%) wait until after Thanksgiving to prepare for the holidays – men tend to be the worst procrastinators, with 38% saying they put everything off until the last minute – so it’s best to get a head start as soon as you can. Kijiji’s free, family-friendly online classifieds site makes it easy for people to buy, sell and connect within their local communities.

Ka-Chingle Bells

Kijiji’s survey found that money is at the top of most consumers’ minds during this economic downturn, with over half of consumers (56%) saying the cost of travel and gifts is their biggest cause of holiday stress.

“More than ever, people are struggling to find money for holiday gifts,” says Brant Cruz, vice president of Retail and e-commerce at Chadwick Martin Bailey. “One of the big trends we’ve seen is people selling unused items to get additional spending money, especially via online classified sites like Kijiji.”

About one third (34%) of respondents said they spend between $100 and $300 on holiday festivities, and another 28% said they spend between $300 and $600 each season. Clearing out clutter could cover holiday costs for the majority of consumers according to a Kijiji survey that found the average household has about 35 unwanted items worth $670.

Stocking Full of Savings

In this year’s particularly challenging economy, many Americans are making an effort to curb their holiday spending, especially considering nearly 85% of consumers say their personal financial situations have either stayed the same or gotten worse in the past year. Over two-thirds of women (67%) and more than half of men (54%) say they are budgeting their holiday spending this season. Nearly half of respondents (48%) said they’re planning to give fewer gifts this year or hit the bargain racks for less expensive ones, while 39% said they’re cutting back on luxuries like going to the movies or eating out at restaurants. Only 8% of consumers said they are planning to sell items online to make some extra holiday cash, which means more than 9 out of 10 are potentially missing out on hundreds of dollars in spending money.

10 Guests A-Visiting

The stress of holiday entertaining is another factor that sends American’s blood pressure through the roof during the colder months. Over half of respondents (54%) entertain up to 10 guests during the holidays, and nearly a quarter (24%) gets rid of unused household items to make room for guests and gifts.

“When you’re searching in the garage, basement or attic for your holiday decorations, take a look around to see if there are any items that haven’t moved since the last holiday season,” suggests Kijiji decluttering expert Lisa Zaslow, founder of Gotham Organizers. “This year, instead of making grandma use the old exercise bike in the guest room as a clothes rack, why not sell it on Kijiji and pay for her gift instead?”

Of those who do plan to get rid of items, about a quarter (24%) plans to sell them rather than giving or throwing them away. The most popular ways to sell these items are through garage sales (58%), which can be a time-consuming, or consignment shops (23%), which can mean sharing a portion of the profits. The 55% of respondents who usually sell their decluttered items on classifieds sites like Kijiji know they can list their items for free and let the buyers come to them at their convenience, leaving more time to enjoy the holiday season.

For more information and holiday tips, visit Kijiji.

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1 comment:

  1. Just be careful how you word your ad -- check your spelling and post in the right Kijiji category or you could end up in the spotlight at ...

    Happy buying/selling!


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