Did you check out Evenflo's amusing take on car seat installation video above? It's just one of many great videos which supports the launch of the Momentum 65 car seat with E3 side impact technology. Check out this article, it's a long read but I'm sure many of you can relate! I actually had a really great time laughing as I typed the key points! It was actually kinda nice to know I'm not the only one that feels this way!!!!
The summer travel season is revving up, and with it comes anticipation of fun family road trips. But according to the new Evenflo "Savvy Parents Survey," more time on the road often puts safety concerns into high gear. And it can trigger tears of frustration - in kids AND parents. The survey found that the biggest worry parents have when taking car trips is that their young child will be harmed in a collision (76%). Integral to a safe ride is proper car-seat installation, but a full 65% of mothers and 72% of fathers encounter challenges when installing car seats. And - oh baby! - nearly half (49%) admit that installing the car seat caused them to sweat more than actually making the baby did! (Sound familiar?)
The Evenflo Savvy Parents survey of 1,000 parents from across the country with children under age five, reveals the following findings:
The Seat Feat-
Talk about a pain: 60% of moms and 63% of dads confess installing their car seat was challenging. And the challenge doesn't end when the seat is installed, parents expressed other car seat frustrations: Adjusting car-seat straps (60%), Making sure straps were tight enough (48%). It's no surprise, as a third (34%) of parents say their child has wiggled out of their car seat and one-fifth of parents admit this happens at least once a week.
Stemming the Tide of Tantrums-
All parents hope for a smooth getaway when heading out for a family roadtrip. So after safety, what do moms and dads worry about the most? Some 48% of parents worry about keeping their child entertained while in their car seat, 34% worry that their little Houdini will wiggle out of the car seat and 32% worry their child will have a temper tantrum.
Pot Holes and Potty Mouths-
Let's face it...parents are humans and are not exempt to frustrations of the road! Parent admit that when in driving mode they don't always take the high road: Almost three-quarters (74%) of moms and dads admit to cursing at another driver in their child's presence, while 28% have flipped the bird, and 21% have rolled down their window to scream at another driver. While 30% of parents say they never swear in front of their kids in the car, 61% say they sometimes let the loose language fly.
And talk about a "wheel" distraction: attending to a baby while driving causes 38% to miss their exit once in a while, and 12% to miss their exit often and has caused 38% of parents to get lost.
I know you all are dying to share your "Savvy Parent Travel Tips" but hold off because there will be an amazing & fun giveaway to support travel safety and to enter I'll want to hear your comments then!!
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