Thursday, September 30, 2010

* GIVEAWAY * TerraCycle Bag (ends 10/6 at 11:59 PM CDT)

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Congratulations to TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigrade Program - they have save 50 million pouches from being put in landfills and contributed a MILLION dollars to schools and non-profit organizations!

The Capri Sun beverage brand was one of the earliest supporters of TerraCycle, a company that collects would-be trash and turns it into useful items. The collection program, called the "Drink Pouch Brigade," takes place mostly in schools, where children choose to deposit used pouches in special receptacles rather than throw them away. In participating schools, each used drink pouch collected and sent to TerraCycle earns two cents, with the funds going toward needed educational programs and resources. Does your school participate in this program? If so, let us know. Together, students and teachers at over 30,000 schools nationwide
have collected 50 million drink pouches for the program over the past two years resulting in the 1 million dollars milestone donation! AMAZING!

For this giveaway we would love to hear your recycling, reusing tips and ideas in how you involve your family. Keep a lookout during this giveaway for reusable crafts and tips coming your way!

We are happy to be able to give one (1) lucky My Chicago Mommy reader a TerraCycle Bag (pictured above)!

***This giveaway is to win a TerraCycle bag, please note that you can only win one of these from any of the sites in the My City Mommy network (we each are giving one away, there will be no multiple winners).

Entries to the giveaway will be accepted until Wednesday, October 6th at 11:59 pm CDT. Here's how to enter:

Fill out the form below & hit "Submit" for each entry (i.e., submit your entry twice if you do the BONUS action).

Here are the ACTION CODES to use (one entry for each):
* Fill out your name & email address - use code: INFO
* Subscribe to the newsletter (do not need to be a new subscriber) - use code: SUBSCRIBE
* E-mail the giveaway to friends (cc: & get 1 entry per friend up to 5 entries) - use code: EMAIL
* Follow MyChicagoMommy on Twitter - use code: TWITTER & enter your Twitter name after the code
* Tweet it out "Enter @mychicagomommy TerraCycle Bag Giveaway" - use code: TWEET - please leave a comment with the link to your Tweet

* Leave a comment on My Chicago Mommy's Facebook Page saying "I want my TerraCycle Bag!" - use code: FACEBOOK
* Leave a comment on TerraCycle's Facebook Page saying "I want my TerraCycle Bag!" - use code: TCFB
* BONUS (2 entries): Answer the question "What is your recycling/reusable product idea?” - use code: BONUS + comment on this post with your first name, last initial, & your answer.

Disclosure: TerraCycle did not compensate us in any way and all opinions expressed are our own honest opinions. TerraCycle provided the prize for the giveaway and one for us to review.

Don't forget to Subscribe to the free newsletter, follow us on Twitter, "like" My Chicago Mommy's page on Facebook, and get the free phone widget here for all the latest updates!
*Check out My Chicago Mommy's Coupon Database to search for coupons!
* GIVEAWAY * TerraCycle Bag (ends 10/6 at 11:59 PM CDT)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


  1. I have gotten the whole family involved in composting! And we always reuse grocery bags.

    Here is a link to my tweet about this giveaway:

  2. My Reusable product idea is using yogurt cups as planters - that's what my kids do for our garden!

    Amber G

  3. My reusable product idea is using milk cartons as reusable "take-out" boxes. Just cut half of the top off, cut down the sides to make flaps, and cut slits for fasteners and VOILA! You have a reusable box to store snacks or lunch for you and the kids!

    Heather M

  4. My wife and I reuse any and all food containers once we've finished eating the food. We reuse them for food to storage; finding any use for them. We not only save the planet by recycling, but we're also saving money from having to buy new storage containers.

    St John M

  5. Tweet

    sweetone62406 at

  6. BONUS
    I reuse plastic bags.
    Donna K

  7. 2.BONUS
    I reuse plastic bags.
    Donna K


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