I'll admit it I am one of those crazy people who looks forward to Black Friday shopping every year. I anticipate, I enjoy it, I have a great time and get some awesome deals! Here is my top 10 tips/advice for Black Friday Shopping.
1. If you haven't already, make a list of who you want to buy for this Christmas. Who will you be giving gift cards to, who will get home-made gifts? How many "birthday party gifts" do you anticipate needing this year? Make a gift budget and STICK TO IT.
2. I make an excel sheet that I use year round of the gifts I already have, where I have stored the gift and who I give the gift to and the value of the gift and how much I paid for the gift.
3. Look at the Black Friday deals now and see which items you want the most!
5. If you can take a friend and split up and communicate with cell phones you will be able to get more high ticket items.
6. If you are going to Walmart, print out their map in advance and decide which high ticket item you want. Please realize that for crowd control and safety they spread the items all over the store, you may find the plasma TV you want in the product department, you will definitely want to know before you are in the store where you want to go. Walmart will be price matching other stores, so if you are going to take advantage of this, please be courteous of the long line behind you and have all your competitor's ads organized and ready before you check out.
7. Keep in mind that while specialty stores like Best Buy might have a better price on the plasma TV, you will miss out on the other items such as toys etc.
8. Toys R US is starting their door buster sales at 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving evening!
9. Keep your receipts! I would suggest having an envelope and putting the receipts in the envelope. When you get home look over the products and make sure you really got a good deal, name brand is the best way to go when it comes to electronics, make sure when buying a digital camera it comes with a memory card, do your research before you get to the check out line.
10. Don't try to get all the deals, decide which ones you want most, and relax have fun, stay calm and try to help others do the same.
The day after Thanksgiving shopping can be extremely overwhelming especially at Walmart but if you go WITHOUT YOUR KIDS, arrive at least by 4:30 a.m. grab an empty cart, have your store map in hand and your shopping list too and cell phone to call your shopping partner, you can get in and out without too much stress and some good buys!
Walmart is not the only place for awesome finds, Target has some amazing deals as do many stores at the mall. Remember there are so many in the community who need new p.j.'s and clothing items and games and gifts for Christmas be sure and try to put in your shopping budget a family in need.
Any other tips, please make a comment. Any question leave those as well! And please come back and let us know what great deals you find!!
Thanks My Memphis Mommy!

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