Macy's has a terrific program which donates up to $1 million to the Make -A-Wish Foundation. They count up all the stamped letters throughout the country and donate $1.00 per letter. They do even deliver them to the post office! To find a mailbox near you click here.
Here is their wonderful stationary that Macy's has too. Simply print it out and have the kids write their letters. Mine colored and I wrote. We all pack up and head to mail our letters. Parents should do one too, the kids love that. Plus, we are raising money for Make-A-Wish too! Remember to put a stamp (they will be brought to the post office) and take pics for the memories! They also have an activity guide on the site, which has coloring pages in it. I like to do that with the boys on the same day. To read more about Macy's Believe project visit the Believe site here.
To make this even better, I wait about one week and mail them a letter back from Santa.You can also get your kids a letter from Santa here! I love this site for free santa letters. They do offer a printed envelope too for an additional cost, $2.99. But the actual download and standard print or email or FREE!!! They even have all the Christmas Stories - a good bedtime read!
Here is another thought on mailing. If you doing your own.
You can send your letters to a number of different post-offices to have holiday Postmarks.
For example, RUDOLPH, WI or North Pole, AK .
Print the Letter.
Place it in an envelope addressed to your child with your address.
Place a Christmas stamp on the envelope.
Place that SASE (Self Addressed Stamp Envelope) in a Larger Envelope and mail it to:
Post Master- Christmas Cancellation
City, State, Zip (see list below)
Include a note that you would like the letter Post-Marked with their Special Christmas Post Mark.
To ensure delivery in time for Christmas, items should be received at the post office by Dec. 15th.
Here is a list of US Cities with Holiday-Themed Names and has special postmarks:
Antler ND 58711
Bethlehem GA 30620
Bethlehem PA 18016
Carrollton MO 64633
Christmas Valley OR 97641
Frost MN 56033
Holly CO 81047
Holly MI 48442
Hope ID 83836
Hope KS 67451
Hope MN 56046
Nazareth PA 18064
North Pole AK 99709
Saint Joseph MI 49085
Saint Marys WV 26170
Santa Claus IN 47579
Santa ID 83866
Star ID 83669
Star MS 39167
Star NC 27356
Starlight PA 18461
Thanks My Vegas Mommy!

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