As a reminder, the MyCityMommy Network is throwing an awesome, fun-filled Twitter party TONIGHT at 8 pm CDT! Our party hashtag is #2010HolidayGiftGuide, and we will be talking about the Hottest Holiday gifts for 2010! We also have some AWESOME giveaways, so you won't want to miss out! Here is the list of giveaways:
Pampers Gift Basket (Valued at $50) Courtesy of Pampers!
Pet Pillow Courtesy of Orangeonions.com
Animal Masterminds Towers (valued at $12.00) Courtesy of Pressman Toys
$25 Subway Gift card, Courtesy of Subway
$25 Old Navy Gift card
$50 Target giftcard, Courtesy of ShopatHome
30 x 40 Photo Throw (valued at $69.95) Courtesy of Nevalandgifts
Kodak Halloween Photo Book (valued at $50) Courtesy of Kodak!
Zunker (valued at $24.99) Courtesty of Zunkergames.com
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*Check out My Chicago Mommy's Coupon Database to search for coupons!
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