Here is the HUGE list of retail stores offering FREE shipping today! We have included coupon codes next to the ones that we could find an extra discount for as well! Enjoy!
Be sure to sign up for Ebates before shopping. It's FREE and the best part is, you will get cash back for doing the shopping you are already doing! When you see (through Ebates), it means, go through your Ebates account, search for the merchant, and then purchase from that link - it will give you a tracking code specific to your order so that Ebates knows when you complete your purchase that the percentage of your purchase should go back to your Ebates account. Once you have accumulated enough, you can ask them to issue you a check. Also, you are able to use coupon codes when shopping through Ebates, so you get multiple ways to save! Plus, you'll earn $5 worth of Ebates for every person you refer that makes a purchase through Ebates, so be sure to pass it along to your friends and family! (through Ebates) -use code: BSKT20OFF - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also! (through Ebates) -try XMAS15 for 15% off - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
1928 Jewelry -30% off and FREE shipping with coupon code: dealcember
6pm -Free shipping w/orders over $100
77Kids (through Ebates)- go through Ebates and get 3% cash back!
Aerie (through Ebates) - go through Ebates and get 3% cash back!
Aeropostale (through Ebates) -$10 off $100 with coupon code 10HOLIDAY, free shipping on orders of $100 or more - go through Ebates & get 8% cash back also!
American Eagle (through Ebates) - All tops B1G1 50% off - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Ann Taylor (through Ebates) 40% off with coupon code: HOLIDAY - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Anne Klein (through Ebates) - Free Shipping goes thru 12/26 - go through Ebates & get 2.5% cash back also!
Apple Store (through Ebates) - Free shipping or orders of $50 or more - go through Ebates & get 1% cash back also!
Babies R Us - 20% off Stollers, free shipping on orders of $100 or more - go through Ebates & get 1%-2% cash back also!
Banana Republic -Free shipping on orders of $50 or more
Barnes & Noble (through Ebates) -12 Days of Deals! Use code: D9X9T7R for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 8% cash back also!
Bath and Body Works (through Ebates) - B3G3 Free, free ship on orders of $75 or more with coupon code: BBWFSDAY15 - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Bealls -try coupon code: SUBSCRIBE for 10% off
Borders -40% off 1 item with coupon code: BCR1936M
Brookstone (through Ebates) - Free Shipping on orders of $99 or more w/coupon code: Ship99 - go through Ebates & 5% cash back also!
Build-A-Bear -$10 off $30 with coupon code: 95486 or $5 off $10 w/coupon code: 95421
Cabela's (through Ebates) -Free shipping on orders of $99 or more with Coupon code: XWINTER - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
CBSStore -use coupon code: FREESHIPDAY
Charlotte Russe -try coupon code: STUDENT for 10% off, free shipping on orders of $35 or more
Christopher and Banks (through Ebates) - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also! (through Ebates) - on select items only - go through Ebates & get 2.5% cash back also!
CJ Banks (through Ebates) - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Community Coffee -try coupon code: FALL for 20% off, use code FREESHIP17 for free shipping
Constructive Playthings
Crabtree & Evelyn (through Ebates) - use coupon code: DEC25 for 25% OFF site wide, and code 12FRIDAY17 for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
Crayola Store -free shipping on orders of $49 or more w/coupon code CRAYOLAFSD10
Dell (through Ebates) - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
Destination Maternity - free shipping on orders of $100 or more with coupon code: HOLIDAY3
dELiA's (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $25 or more w/coupon code AFS25D - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
Discovery Store -all items ship free, use code SHIPSFREE
Disney Store $5 off $25 when you sign up for emails (through Ebates) -20% off Philosophy items, no code needed, new customers free shipping on orders of $25 or more - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Eddie Bauer (through Ebates) - coupon code: EBSHIPDAY for free shipping or FSDOTORG - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Entertainment Coupon Book
FAO Schwarz (through Ebates) - on all orders of $99 or more - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Fannie May (through Ebates) - 25% OFF offer: use code 15609 at checkout, free ship on orders over $29 w/coupon code: 15950 - go through Ebates & get 7.5% cash back also!
Finish Line
Footlocker (through Ebates) -try coupon code: CP218485 for $15 off $50 and code: AFFLTFP3 for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
Fossil -free overnight shipping on orders of $100 or more -w/coupon code FREESHIPDAY
Fujifilm Webstore
GameStop -save upto 60% off, free shipping w/orders of $75 or more
Gander Mountain (through Ebates) -try coupon code GMT5 for $5 off of $50 and GMSHIP for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
GAP- free shipping on orders of $50 or more
Harry & David - use coupon code: HND10WB for 10% Off and FSDEL for free shipping
HBOShop -use coupon code: FREESHIPDAY
Housewares Deals
JCPenney (through Ebates) -Free shipping on orders of $49 or more - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Jones New York -try JNY2EM11 for $20 off
JoS A. Bank
Kmart (through Ebates) - 5-20% off 1000's of items, free shipping on orders of $49 or more w/coupon code: KMFREESHIP49 - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Kodak Gallery -use TGTSAVE10 to get $10 off any hard cover photobook or SHIP30 for 30% off, Free Shipping on orders of $30 or more w/coupon code: SHIP30
Kodak Store
Kohl's (through Ebates) - Free shipping with orders of $50 or more w/coupon code JINGLE10 - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Lane Bryant (through Ebates) -$25 off $75 with coupon code: 050005802 - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Leapfrog (through Ebates) -use coupon code WINTER20 for 20% off - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Little Miss Matched (through Ebates) -20% off socks w/coupon code: MERRY - go through Ebates & get 7.5% cash back also!
Lowes (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $49 or more - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Macy's (through Ebates) -free shipping on orders of $99 or more w/coupon code: GIFTS - go through Ebates and get 5% cash back also!
Melissa & Doug -use coupon code: FREESHIP30 on orders of $30 or more
Men's Wearhouse
Mikasa -try coupon code TWENTY to save 20% off one item
Motherhood Maternity (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $75 or more w/coupon code: HOLIDAY - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
New York and Co (through Ebates) - 40% off everything - go through Ebates & get 3.5% cash back also!
Office Depot (through Ebates) - $25 off $150 with coupon code: 29219594 - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
OfficeMax (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders over $50 - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Old Navy -Free shipping on orders of $50 or more
Omaha Steaks (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $79 or more - go through Ebates & get 7% cash back also!
One Step Ahead (through Ebates) -10% off of $50 or more w/coupon code: BOXGIFT, free shipping on orders of $75 or more w/coupon code: FS85AFF - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
OrangeOnions -use coupon code: 10off for 10% off
P.S. Aeropostale (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $100 or more - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Pacsun -10% off orders of $75 or more w/coupon code: VISA2010
A Pea in the Pod (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $150 or more w/coupon code HOLIDAY2 - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also! -15% off with coupon code: HOLIDAY (through Ebates) - use coupon code PMSHIP75 for free shipping on orders of $75 or more - go through Ebates & get 8% cash back also!
PetSmart (through Ebates) - $10 off $50 with coupon code: AFFDEC, free shipping on orders of $75 or more - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Pfaltzgraff -use coupon code 120CP30 for 30% off 1 item
Philosophy - use code Holidayjoy for free shipping
Plastic Jungle
PotteryBarn -free shipping on everything except furniture
PotteryBarnKids -free shipping on everything except furniture
Puma Store (through Ebates) - try coupon code: PUMADJHERO25 for 25% off, free shipping ends at noon - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Reebok - use code PRESENT for 80% off and FREE shipping
Sally Beauty Supply w/coupon code 555275 valid through 12/21
Sears (through Ebates) - Save EXTRA $5 off $50 w/ code SNOW, Free Shipping on orders of $99 or more w/coupon code SANTA - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Sephora (through Ebates) - 50% off Bath Sets, Free shipping on orders of $50 or more - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also! - try EMLHOLIDAHELP10 for $15 off $50
Sierra Trading Post (through Ebates) - 20% off with coupon code: ALVDEC2KX - go through Ebates & get 2.5% cash back also!
Smashbox Cosmetics -use HOLIDAY2010 for $25 off $100
The Body Shop (through Ebates) - B2G1 Free (no coupon code needed) Try FFJOY for 30% off - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
Tiny Prints
Toys 'R' Us (through Ebates) - 40% off on ZhuZhu pets and other hot deals. Free ship to store,. or free ship to home w/orders of $49 or more - go through Ebates & get 1%-2% cash back also!
ULTA Beauty -try RETAILME20 for 20% off total purchase
Victoria's Secret (through Ebates) - Free ship on orders of $100 or more w/coupon code: SHIPFASTVS - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
Walgreens -free shipping on orders of $25 or more
Walmart (through Ebates) - free shipping on over 60,000 items - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
WBShop - order must be $50 to get FREE shipping
Also, don't forget to shop thru Ebates to get cashback as well! You will get $5 bonus cash for signing up! Why not get paid to shop?
Thanks My Dallas Mommy!
Be sure to sign up for Ebates before shopping. It's FREE and the best part is, you will get cash back for doing the shopping you are already doing! When you see (through Ebates), it means, go through your Ebates account, search for the merchant, and then purchase from that link - it will give you a tracking code specific to your order so that Ebates knows when you complete your purchase that the percentage of your purchase should go back to your Ebates account. Once you have accumulated enough, you can ask them to issue you a check. Also, you are able to use coupon codes when shopping through Ebates, so you get multiple ways to save! Plus, you'll earn $5 worth of Ebates for every person you refer that makes a purchase through Ebates, so be sure to pass it along to your friends and family! (through Ebates) -use code: BSKT20OFF - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also! (through Ebates) -try XMAS15 for 15% off - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
1928 Jewelry -30% off and FREE shipping with coupon code: dealcember
6pm -Free shipping w/orders over $100
77Kids (through Ebates)- go through Ebates and get 3% cash back!
Aerie (through Ebates) - go through Ebates and get 3% cash back!
Aeropostale (through Ebates) -$10 off $100 with coupon code 10HOLIDAY, free shipping on orders of $100 or more - go through Ebates & get 8% cash back also!
American Eagle (through Ebates) - All tops B1G1 50% off - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Ann Taylor (through Ebates) 40% off with coupon code: HOLIDAY - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Anne Klein (through Ebates) - Free Shipping goes thru 12/26 - go through Ebates & get 2.5% cash back also!
Apple Store (through Ebates) - Free shipping or orders of $50 or more - go through Ebates & get 1% cash back also!
Babies R Us - 20% off Stollers, free shipping on orders of $100 or more - go through Ebates & get 1%-2% cash back also!
Banana Republic -Free shipping on orders of $50 or more
Barnes & Noble (through Ebates) -12 Days of Deals! Use code: D9X9T7R for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 8% cash back also!
Bath and Body Works (through Ebates) - B3G3 Free, free ship on orders of $75 or more with coupon code: BBWFSDAY15 - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Bealls -try coupon code: SUBSCRIBE for 10% off
Borders -40% off 1 item with coupon code: BCR1936M
Brookstone (through Ebates) - Free Shipping on orders of $99 or more w/coupon code: Ship99 - go through Ebates & 5% cash back also!
Build-A-Bear -$10 off $30 with coupon code: 95486 or $5 off $10 w/coupon code: 95421
Cabela's (through Ebates) -Free shipping on orders of $99 or more with Coupon code: XWINTER - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
CBSStore -use coupon code: FREESHIPDAY
Charlotte Russe -try coupon code: STUDENT for 10% off, free shipping on orders of $35 or more
Christopher and Banks (through Ebates) - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also! (through Ebates) - on select items only - go through Ebates & get 2.5% cash back also!
CJ Banks (through Ebates) - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Community Coffee -try coupon code: FALL for 20% off, use code FREESHIP17 for free shipping
Constructive Playthings
Crabtree & Evelyn (through Ebates) - use coupon code: DEC25 for 25% OFF site wide, and code 12FRIDAY17 for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
Crayola Store -free shipping on orders of $49 or more w/coupon code CRAYOLAFSD10
Dell (through Ebates) - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
Destination Maternity - free shipping on orders of $100 or more with coupon code: HOLIDAY3
dELiA's (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $25 or more w/coupon code AFS25D - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
Discovery Store -all items ship free, use code SHIPSFREE
Disney Store $5 off $25 when you sign up for emails (through Ebates) -20% off Philosophy items, no code needed, new customers free shipping on orders of $25 or more - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Eddie Bauer (through Ebates) - coupon code: EBSHIPDAY for free shipping or FSDOTORG - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Entertainment Coupon Book
FAO Schwarz (through Ebates) - on all orders of $99 or more - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Fannie May (through Ebates) - 25% OFF offer: use code 15609 at checkout, free ship on orders over $29 w/coupon code: 15950 - go through Ebates & get 7.5% cash back also!
Finish Line
Footlocker (through Ebates) -try coupon code: CP218485 for $15 off $50 and code: AFFLTFP3 for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
Fossil -free overnight shipping on orders of $100 or more -w/coupon code FREESHIPDAY
Fujifilm Webstore
GameStop -save upto 60% off, free shipping w/orders of $75 or more
Gander Mountain (through Ebates) -try coupon code GMT5 for $5 off of $50 and GMSHIP for free shipping - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
GAP- free shipping on orders of $50 or more
Harry & David - use coupon code: HND10WB for 10% Off and FSDEL for free shipping
HBOShop -use coupon code: FREESHIPDAY
Housewares Deals
JCPenney (through Ebates) -Free shipping on orders of $49 or more - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Jones New York -try JNY2EM11 for $20 off
JoS A. Bank
Kmart (through Ebates) - 5-20% off 1000's of items, free shipping on orders of $49 or more w/coupon code: KMFREESHIP49 - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Kodak Gallery -use TGTSAVE10 to get $10 off any hard cover photobook or SHIP30 for 30% off, Free Shipping on orders of $30 or more w/coupon code: SHIP30
Kodak Store
Kohl's (through Ebates) - Free shipping with orders of $50 or more w/coupon code JINGLE10 - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Lane Bryant (through Ebates) -$25 off $75 with coupon code: 050005802 - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Leapfrog (through Ebates) -use coupon code WINTER20 for 20% off - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Little Miss Matched (through Ebates) -20% off socks w/coupon code: MERRY - go through Ebates & get 7.5% cash back also!
Lowes (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $49 or more - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Macy's (through Ebates) -free shipping on orders of $99 or more w/coupon code: GIFTS - go through Ebates and get 5% cash back also!
Melissa & Doug -use coupon code: FREESHIP30 on orders of $30 or more
Men's Wearhouse
Mikasa -try coupon code TWENTY to save 20% off one item
Motherhood Maternity (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $75 or more w/coupon code: HOLIDAY - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
New York and Co (through Ebates) - 40% off everything - go through Ebates & get 3.5% cash back also!
Office Depot (through Ebates) - $25 off $150 with coupon code: 29219594 - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
OfficeMax (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders over $50 - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Old Navy -Free shipping on orders of $50 or more
Omaha Steaks (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $79 or more - go through Ebates & get 7% cash back also!
One Step Ahead (through Ebates) -10% off of $50 or more w/coupon code: BOXGIFT, free shipping on orders of $75 or more w/coupon code: FS85AFF - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
OrangeOnions -use coupon code: 10off for 10% off
P.S. Aeropostale (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $100 or more - go through Ebates & get 3% cash back also!
Pacsun -10% off orders of $75 or more w/coupon code: VISA2010
A Pea in the Pod (through Ebates) - free shipping on orders of $150 or more w/coupon code HOLIDAY2 - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also! -15% off with coupon code: HOLIDAY (through Ebates) - use coupon code PMSHIP75 for free shipping on orders of $75 or more - go through Ebates & get 8% cash back also!
PetSmart (through Ebates) - $10 off $50 with coupon code: AFFDEC, free shipping on orders of $75 or more - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Pfaltzgraff -use coupon code 120CP30 for 30% off 1 item
Philosophy - use code Holidayjoy for free shipping
Plastic Jungle
PotteryBarn -free shipping on everything except furniture
PotteryBarnKids -free shipping on everything except furniture
Puma Store (through Ebates) - try coupon code: PUMADJHERO25 for 25% off, free shipping ends at noon - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also!
Reebok - use code PRESENT for 80% off and FREE shipping
Sally Beauty Supply w/coupon code 555275 valid through 12/21
Sears (through Ebates) - Save EXTRA $5 off $50 w/ code SNOW, Free Shipping on orders of $99 or more w/coupon code SANTA - go through Ebates & get 4% cash back also!
Sephora (through Ebates) - 50% off Bath Sets, Free shipping on orders of $50 or more - go through Ebates & get 6% cash back also! - try EMLHOLIDAHELP10 for $15 off $50
Sierra Trading Post (through Ebates) - 20% off with coupon code: ALVDEC2KX - go through Ebates & get 2.5% cash back also!
Smashbox Cosmetics -use HOLIDAY2010 for $25 off $100
The Body Shop (through Ebates) - B2G1 Free (no coupon code needed) Try FFJOY for 30% off - go through Ebates & get 5% cash back also!
Tiny Prints
Toys 'R' Us (through Ebates) - 40% off on ZhuZhu pets and other hot deals. Free ship to store,. or free ship to home w/orders of $49 or more - go through Ebates & get 1%-2% cash back also!
ULTA Beauty -try RETAILME20 for 20% off total purchase
Victoria's Secret (through Ebates) - Free ship on orders of $100 or more w/coupon code: SHIPFASTVS - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
Walgreens -free shipping on orders of $25 or more
Walmart (through Ebates) - free shipping on over 60,000 items - go through Ebates & get 2% cash back also!
WBShop - order must be $50 to get FREE shipping
Also, don't forget to shop thru Ebates to get cashback as well! You will get $5 bonus cash for signing up! Why not get paid to shop?
Thanks My Dallas Mommy!

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*Check out My Chicago Mommy's Coupon Database to search for coupons!
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