Last week, I had the opportunity to join Special K at Chicago's Union Station as they asked attendees "What Will You Gain?" from losing weight when you take the Special K Challenge. Above is just one of the lucky attendees sharing what she hopes to gain when she loses.
First, attendees were asked to step onto a scale. You could see that some people were nervous as they thought that their actual weight would be shown in front of many people. Then they were relieved to see a positive, motivational word come up instead. The word that came up for me was PASSION.
Since I was the first one on the scale at this event, I, too, was a little nervous stepping onto the scale when I saw the numbers on there. Boy, was I glad to see the word PASSION come up instead. Along with me at this event were fabulous fellow Chicago-area bloggers Cher from Mama's Money Savers, Paula from Frosted Fingers, and Vanessa from ChefDruck Musings. Some of the words that came up for them were PIZZAZ and CONFIDENCE.
After the attendees stepped on the scale and got their "word" for "What Will You Gain?" they had the opportunity to customize a box of Special K with their word from the scale or another word that they would like to gain. I chose to customize mine with BALANCE. I hope to gain some balance in my weight and in my life by taking the Special K Challenge.
Next, attendees had the opportunity to put together their own Special K Challenge at the kiosks. What is the Special K Challenge? Whether your goal is to finally slip into those skinny jeans or you’re just looking to become a little more fit and fabulous, the Special K Challenge is a great way to kick-start a better you! It’s a weight management plan designed for you, using Special K products. Here is one of the attendees, Lourdes, being shown how to go about creating her plan.
Even if you weren't able to attend the event, you can still create your own Special K Challenge.
Here's how YOU can create your own Special K Challenge and lose up to 6 pounds in 2 days:
- Visit Special K's website
- Choose a plan from the Classic Plan, Mix It Up Plan, On-The-Go Plan, and the Chocolate Lover's Plan (you can always change it afterwards)
- Pick a day to start
- You will be presented with a menu plan for you for 2 weeks. You can always drag and drop other things to substitute items on your menu.
- Once you are finished, you can save your plan.
- When you are done, you will be asked to register or update your account.
- Lastly, you will be able to print a coupon for a FREE box of 12 oz. Special K Original or 13.6 oz. Special K MultiGrain Oats & Honey cereal (up to $4.49 value) when you buy a box of Kellogg's Special K cereal.
Tell us which plan you chose and how your challenge is going along throughout the 2 weeks - we'd love to hear your stories! Also, don't forget to check out the other videos from the Special K event at Union Station on our YouTube channel!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by us on behalf of Kellogg's Special K through TheMotherhood. All opinions are 100% ours.

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Was great to see you again!